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Gift the stars!

Give a gift that provides joy, has long term benefits, and a minimal carbon footprint. A gift that can be used any time in the next two years, provided there is a trip to Aotea Great Barrier Island on the cards. A voucher for a Good Heavens Stargazing Experience may be just the ticket! The dark skies on our island are certified magnificent. Please check out our TripAdvisor reviews.

Perfect gift

A stargazing experience is the perfect gift for lovers of stargazing, who will not only marvel at the stars with Good Heavens. They will also learn to orientate themselves in a night time environment and gaze at deep sky wonders through the telescope. Or perhaps you know an astronomer who would like to gain some Southern Hemisphere knowledge, or a couple of young or old lovers, who could do with some romantic time under the stars. Or someone who you love to the stars and back! (Yes, that’s a bit further than the moon).

Informative, fun and comfortable.

Whatever the reason you’re gifting this special treat, the Good Heavens team provides a light-hearted and informative night under the stars. The team take a multi-cultural approach to the stargazing theme with a range of stories. A small group size gives lots of opportunity for astronomical questions and perhaps even a bit of Great Barrier banter.

Perfect location

Giving this gift may also be a wonderful encouragement for a visit to beautiful Great Barrier Island. Every stargazing session takes place in a stunning spot. And the daytime island is a fantastic playground for further exploration, with its solitary beaches and bush clad hills. There are also quirky galleries, a couple of micro breweries, a gin distillery and beekeepers to discover. Did we mention the toanga of native birds and invertebrates that are unique to the island? All households here are off grid, so it’s a perfect place for those ready to unplug for a weekend or a week. It’s paradise.

Buying a gift vouchergift voucher instructions

Buying a gift voucher is easy. Proceed to our booking page and choose the type of experience you would like to gift. Then choose the number of participants. Click on the button Buy Gift Card, as shown in the image above. On the next page, enter the participant(s) details as well as your own and your payment details. Once you have entered these details, you will be sent email confirmation of your purchase, with the voucher.

Or by email

Alternatively, contact us by email or phone. Give us the details of the experience you would like to gift, the names of the participants, your and their phone number and at least one email address. We will then set the voucher up and check participant details and your credit card with you by phone. Once this process is completed we will email you the voucher.

Gift the stars!

Our guides love the excitement they feel when they look up and get lost in the stars. They are looking forward to sharing this feeling with your loved ones. So why not gift the stars, for Christmas, a birthday, a wedding, an anniversary or just because you love them.

Other gifts

Once your voucher is sorted, here are some ideas for other gifts.

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